CUI, Weixin

Associate Chief Physician
MD, MMed
- Every visit is a sign of hope
- Specializes in common diseases of laryngology, emergency, and critical care
- Diagnosis and treatment of vocal cord issues, sleep disorders, adenoid tonsil hypertrophy, dysphonia, and pharyngeal reflux disease
- Microscope-supported laryngoscopic carbon dioxide laser surgery for laryngeal lesions
- Radiofrequency resection of adenoids and tonsils, and palatopharyngoplasty of the uvula
- Nasal endoscopic surgery for sinusitis, nasal polyp, and nasal septum correction
- Tympanic tube placement surgery
- ENT foreign body removal surgery
Education Background:
- Graduated from Capital Medical University in 2001, majoring in Clinical Medicine, and joined Beijing Tongren Hospital the same year
- Completed residency training in 2006, and completed specialty training in pharyngolaryngology in 2015
- Received a master’s degree in pharyngolaryngology from Capital Medical University in 2016
Work Experience
- Worked in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Beijing Tongren Hospital for almost 20 years
- Joined Beijing United Family Hospital in 2019
Academic Achievements
- Published several academic articles in prestigious medical journals such as European Archives of Otolaryngology, Chinese Journal of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, and other Chinese and foreign journals.
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