Coronary Artery Diseases
Anyone with coronary artery disease (sometimes called coronary heart disease) can benefit from the expertise within the Coronary Artery Disease Program Cardiovascular Center at Beijing United Family Hospital (BJU). Patients can be referred here if their current medical treatment is not working or if they have a coronary arteriogram that is of concern to the referring physician.
Treatment and procedures
For coronary artery disease, the highly experienced clinical team at the BJU Cardiovascular Center plans and applies a treatment process that is tailored to each patient’s condition, age, symptoms and risk factors. Physicians draw upon several diagnostic tests and procedures to determine the best line of treatment. These diagnostic procedures include:
- Cardiac CT scanning
- Echocardiography
- Cardiac catheterization
- Intravascular ultrasound
Managing complex conditions
Patients with the following conditions in addition to coronary artery disease may particularly benefit from the multidisciplinary services at BJU:
- Diabetes
- Metabolic syndrome
- Renal insufficiency (kidney failure)
- Lung disease
To manage these patients, diabetologists, and other specialists are available to join our decision-making team, as appropriate.
Our physicians are experienced with the latest treatment and therapies for coronary artery disease. Some of the advanced treatments and procedures we offer include:
- Coronary artery interventions
- Off-pump (beating heart) bypass procedures, in addition to traditional bypass surgery
- Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
- Minimally-invasive techniques and medications to control symptoms
- Coronary artery disease prevention
Coordinated, patient-centered care
Each patient is assigned one physician to oversee his or her care while at the Cardiovascular Center. Care is coordinated so it is as convenient as possible for patients and so that the attending physician is aware of all the procedures and services the patient will receive. Office consults and any additional testing indicated are scheduled on the same day if possible.
For those who need to be hospitalized, the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory and the Cardiac ICU are on the same floor so that patients can be admitted and moved seamlessly from one place to another.
Our Facilities
Patient Stories & Information
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