Since early 2000, BJU has provided the full spectrum of cardiovascular services for patients from the international and Chinese communities. We have successfully treated and diagnosed more than 20,000 cases of common cardiovascular diseases, including but not limited to coronary artery disease, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, superventricular and ventricular tachycardia, atrial ventricular block, heart failure, and hyperlipidemia.
We are committed to international-standard, evidence-based strategies for treating and diagnosing Acute Coronary Syndrome (conditions include unstable angina, non ST elevation myocardial infarction, and ST elevation myocardial infarction). We are proud to follow international guidelines for the rescue of life-threatening heart attack patients, and we enjoy reputation of trustworthiness and professionalism among the international community. We are also proud to be leaders in the field of Stress Echocardiography (a non-invasive procedure for the early detection of coronary artery disease) among the Chinese community. The cooperation between BJU and Anzhen Hospital helps us ensure that all heart diseases can be effectively addressed and treated with the attention of experienced physicians using cutting-edge techniques.
The Cardiovascular Center at Beijing United Family Hospital has established a special Green Channel program with the Emergency Department for the treatment of heart attack (acute myocardial infarction). This Green Channel was created to offer the earliest possible medical intervention for heart attack patients. Using the Green Channel fast tracks diagnosis and treatment to allow for intervention within 90 minutes after patients arrive at our Emergency Room. This expedited process significantly reduces the occurrence of fatal complications of heart attack and greatly improves patient outcomes and survival rates.
We have 5 full-time cardiologists and 15 part-time cardiologists on our Cardiology team who each have more than 15 years of clinical experience and overseas training.
At our Cardiovascular Center, we are committed to putting patients first.
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