Pediatrician, Neonatologist
Dr. Joan Gonzales earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Technology as a scholar, graduated cum laude, and completed his Doctor of Medicine at the Far Eastern University, Manila. He finished his residency in Pediatrics at the National Children’s Hospital in the Philippines.
Before joining the BJU, Dr. Gonzales practiced general medicine and pediatrics in Bellevue Clinic, and MediServ, Philippines. He pursued rigorous neonatal training, and worked for 7 years, in a Military Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where he has achieved in-depth experience, focused on emergency and intensive neonatal care, high-risk deliveries and extreme prematurity.
He was an associate of the Saudi Commission of Health Specialties in Pediatrics, and is a member of the Philippine Medical Association. He is certified in Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS), Pediatric Advance Life support (PALS), and Neonatal Resuscitation Program / Neonatal Advance Life Support (NRP / NALS). He has also authored research papers, one of which was published in the Philippine Journal of Pediatrics. Dr. Gonzales has over 14 years of clinical experience in the fields of General Medicine, Pediatrics, and Neonatology.
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