Pediatrician, Deputy Chief Physician
Bachelor of Medicine
Dr. Liu received his medical degree in clinical medicine at Shanxi Medical University in 2004 and then started at Shanxi Children’s Hospital that year. He rotated through various pediatric internal medicine departments for three years and has been engaged in pediatric emergency work since 2008. By 2014, he had served as the teaching secretary of resident training for nine years. In addition, he was awarded a training certificate in China-US Pediatric Fundamental Critical Care Support (PFCCS) in 2016 and a training certificate in National Basic Life Support (BLS) in 2018.
Before joining Beijing United Family Hospital and Clinics, Dr. Liu served in the Emergency Department of Shanxi Children’s Hospital where he specialized in diagnosing and treating common diseases in pediatric internal medicine, first aid for patients with critical diseases, and treatment of public health emergencies.
With 20 years of clinical experience, Dr. Liu is a member of the Shanxi Emergency Medical Association of the Chinese Medical Association. In addition to specializing in children’s clinical work, Dr. Liu is also published in multiple domestic medical journals.
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