Jing QI

Dermatologist, Attending Physician
From 2008 to 2016, Dr. Qi obtained her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Capital Medical University. After graduation, she worked at the Chinese People’s Liberation Army General Hospital (301 Hospital) for seven years, where she gained extensive experience in diagnosing and treating common dermatological diseases such as viral warts, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, herpes zoster, and tinea of the hands and feet.
She specialize in dermatological medical aesthetics and rejuvenation treatments, as well as cosmetic treatments for damaging skin diseases such as freckles, melasma, Ota nevus, hemangiomas, and excessive hair growth. Additionally, she has rich experience in treating children’s birthmarks.
She has spoken at national conferences on laser aesthetics and facial rejuvenation, as well as at special continuing education training sessions and national medical aesthetics conferences. She has published over ten articles in domestic and international journals, chaired two research projects, and holds one patent. She serves as a member of the Continuing Education Branch of the Chinese Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, a Director of the Dermatology Division of the Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine, and a committee member of the Safety and Quality Branch of the Beijing Integrative Medicine Association. She also participated in the compilation and translation of the book “Cosemetic Dermatology Products and Procedures.”
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