Jianxin XIONG

Chief Physician
Bachelor’s of Medicine
Dr. Xiong graduated from the Department of Clinical Medicine at Nanjing Medical University in 1992. She has studied in the Changzhou Training Class of Soochow University, the Internal Medicine and Asthma Center of Children’s Hospital Affiliated to Capital Institute of Pediatrics, a training class at Nantong University and a western learning class at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine. In 2008, she led the establishment of the Respiratory Department at Changzhou Children’s Hospital and served as the department director. She built it into the “Childhood Respiratory Standardized Construction Project” at the Futang Research Center of Pediatric Development and a key specialty in Changzhou City.
Prior to joining Beijing United Family Hospital, Dr. Xiong worked in the pediatrics field. Since 2008, Dr. Xiong served as the Director of the Respiratory Department at Changzhou Children’s Hospital. In particular, she has expertise in the diagnosis and specific immunotherapy of childhood asthma and asthmatic diseases, chronic coughs, allergic diseases, the diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children, and pulmonary function testing and analysis.
Dr. Xiong has more than 30 years of clinical practice experience. In addition to focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases, Dr. Xiong also taught theoretical courses for undergraduates at Nantong Medical University, served as a clinical teacher for interns, an adjunct professor at Nantong University School of Medicine, and Director of the Teaching and Research Section at Changzhou Children’s Hospital. She also presided over the municipal, provincial and national continuing education project “New progress in diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases in children.”
Dr. Xiong is a member of the Yangtze River Delta Pediatric Respiratory Alliance of National Children’s Medical Center, Vice Chair of the Jiangsu Provincial Pediatric Respiratory Alliance, a member of the Pediatric Group of the Changzhou Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, a member of the Pediatric Respiratory Intervention Group of Minimally Invasive Branch of the Chinese Women and Children Association, and a member of the Pediatric Pulmonary Rehabilitation Group of the China Rehabilitation Association for Disabled Persons.
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