Ling Yang

Pediatrician, Associate Chief Physician
Doctor of Medicine in Pediatric
Dr. Yang Ling graduated from the Department of Pediatrics, Capital Medical University in 1997. In 2006 and 2011, Dr. Yang received her Master Degree of Medicine and Medical Doctorate Degree. From 1997 to 2011, Dr. Yang worked in Out-patient Department. ER, Inpatient Department (NICU) of Pediatrics in China-Japan Friendship Hospital for 15 years. In the next 10 years, she served in the New Century Women’s and Children’s Hospital as a general pediatrician and family doctor. Dr. Yang is very familiar with the diagnosis and treatment care for common diseases in pediatric field, newborn babies, allergic diseases, and the growth and development of children. Dr. Yang is a specialist in the field of pediatric endocrine, especially in precocious puberty and thyroid disease diagnosis and treatment.
Before joining Beijing United Family hospital, Dr. Yang received deeply love and trust by the parents with her 20 years professional experience as a GP and a specialist in pediatric endocrinology. She is willing to providing more excellent medical service for the children and parents in the future.
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