Chief Physician, Professor of Interventional Radiology
Dr. Yang received his Medical Degree from Chung Shan Medical University in 1982 and has been practicing clinical medicine since then. He studied under the renowned Radiologist, Professor Tie Liang Zhang in Chung Shan Medical University, and received his Master’s Degree from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC). He is highly experienced in the implementation of interventional technology under complex circumstances.
Dr. Yang has worked in vascular and interventional radiology at Peking Union Medical College Hospital for more than 30 years. He has developed more than 80 interventional radiology treatment projects at the PUMC Hospital, which cover a vast range of diseases. He has also implemented a number of advanced interventional technologies at the Beijing United Family Hospital.
Dr. Yang is experienced in the basic theory and use of both vascular and non-vascular interventional radiology for many disciplines, including gastrointestinal interventional radiology, obstetrics and gynecology interventional radiology, and respiratory and peripheral vascular radiology.
Prof. Yang is an expert in interventional radiology and a visiting Interventional Radiologist from the PUMC Hospital. He works part-time at BJU for special cases.
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