TIAN, Eric

Chair of Ultrasonography
Dr. Eric Tian graduated from the Postgraduate Medical College of PLA with a doctorate of Imaging Medicine and Nuclear Medicine. He has more than 20 years of experience in ultrasound diagnosis and treatment. He is particularly adept at dealing with abdominal and superficial organs, diseases of the blood vessels, and adult echocardiograms. He specializes in contrast enhancement ultrasonography, hepatic carcinoma ablation, and interventional ultrasound. Before joining Beijing United Family Hospital in 2018, Dr. Tian worked for No. 302 Hospital of PLA, the General Hospital of PLA and an international clinic in Beijing.
Dr. Tian has participated in various scientific research studies during his career, including for the national science foundation of China, and has published more than 10 papers in major medical journals and SCI lectures. As an active member of the China Charity Foundation, he has traveled to the border areas of Tibet, Qinghai, and Xinjiang, to join the local technical medicine team as a medical specialist.
Dr. Tian speaks Mandarin and English.
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