Message to Patients:
- Always with you.
- Diagnosis and treatment of pediatric diseases
- Monitoring and guidance of children’s growth and development, early childhood development, intervention of early childhood problems, and treatment of diseases
- Neonatal first aid, diagnosis, and treatment of various neonatal diseases
- Nutrition and management of preterm infants, post-discharge management of preterm infants, developmental assessment, and early intervention in high-risk infants
- Guidance on breastfeeding and adding new foods for infants
Education Background:
- Received medical master’s degree from Capital Medical University in 2003
Work Experience:
- Worked at the Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital for 15 years
- Joined Beijing United Family Hospital in 2017
Academic Achievements:
- Board-certified pediatrician, Chinese Medical Association
- Published several papers in core journals in China, including the Chinese Journal of Pediatrics
- Participated in the compilation of several monographs, such as the Neonatal Intensive Care Handbook and the sixth edition of Nielsen Pediatrics
Honors, Awards, and Professional Memberships:
- Member, Pediatric Branch of Chaoyang District Medical Association
- Member, Beijing Neonatologist Association
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