Prevenar 7 Anticipated Shortage FAQ
Beijing United Family Hospital Department of Pharmacy, June 9
1. What is Prevenar 7?
Prevenar 7 is an imported vaccine manufactured by the drug company Pfizer. It protects children from pneumococcal diseases caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. In China, Prevenar is a type II vaccine that is given at 3, 4, 5, and 15 months.
2. Why is there a shortage?
We have been informed that Pfizer has decided to discontinue its vaccine business in China, so Prevenar 7 will no longer be available.
3. How is Beijing United Family Hospital and Clinics (BJU) affected?
BJU pharmacies currently have a limited stock of Prevenar 7. For infants who have started their vaccination series after March 10, BJU may not have enough stock to finish all 4 doses. However, trials have shown that 1-2 doses of pneumococcal vaccine are still beneficial for infants.
4. Is this Prevenar 7 restriction the same in other UFH markets?
BJU and its satellite clinics are no longer able to procure an additional supply of the vaccine from the Beijing CDC. The restriction therefore applies to our entire Beijing market.
However, due to different stock levels in CDCs in different cities, this restriction may not apply to other UFH markets at this time. Please check with your local customer service area for the most updated information.
5. What about other hospitals and clinics in Beijing?
The shortage should affect all of China, but please check with the individual hospital or clinic directly.
6. Is there any substitute in the near future?
The pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine made by Chinese drug companies is currently in the registration process. It should replace Prevenar 7 and is expected to be released sometime in 2016.
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