Update on Rh Negative Blood Donation Situation at Beijing United Family Hospital

Dear Beijing community,

Thank you from Beijing United Family Hospital for all your outpouring of support for the two emergency patients in urgent need of Rh negative blood. The hospital has received multiple donations from donors in our community through our partners at the Tongzhou Blood Center.

Beijing United Family Hospital has its own on-site Blood Bank (supplied by the Tongzhou Blood Center) where it stores all types of blood, including Rh negative blood, and is adequate for all normal hospital needs, including emergencies. This was a special circumstance where the community has played a wonderful role in donating Rh negative A and Rh negative O blood.

Like other hospitals in Beijing, we can only accept donations made through the Tongzhou Blood Center.

At present, BJU now has enough Rh negative blood to meet the needs of these two patients. If further need arises, we will contact the donors on our updated Rh negative donor list.

Thank you again for your support.

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