Breast Center
Beijing United Family Hospital Breast MDT Diagnosis and Treatment Center
Beijing United Family Hospital Breast MDT Diagnosis and Treatment Center offers comprehensive treatment of benign and malignant breast disease, breast imaging, and breast genetic check up services. The center is equipped with the most advanced ultrasound machine and minimally invasive vacuum-assisted device to provide accurate diagnosis and latest treatment options. Our multidisciplinary team is a well-established group of experts that includes breast surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, and plastic surgeons to customize your treatment plan.
Outpatient Services
- Acute mastitis
- Mammary abscess
- Mastopathy
- Plasma cell mastitis
- Fibroadenoma
- Intraductal papilloma
- Breast sarcoma
- Breast cancer
- Core biopsy
- Minimally invasive treatment for benign tumors
- Gynecomastia
- Male breast cancer
Breast Oncology Services
- Breast genetic testing
- Breast cancer ultrasound/mammogram
- Multidisciplinary breast cancer conferencing
- Breast cancer mastectomy/Lumpectomy
- Sentinel node biopsy
- Breast cancer mastectomy/Lumpectomy and immediate breast reconstruction
- Chemotherapy
- Endocrinotherapy
- Targeted therapy
- Radiotherapy
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