Aaron Soon


Family Medicine Physician




Dr. Aaron Soon received his medical degree from the University of Melbourne, Australia in 2011. He later rotated through inpatient and outpatient wards dealing with pediatrics, emergency medicine, general surgery, and general medicine. He then completed his further training in General Practice with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners in 2016.
Since then Dr.Soon  has worked in a variety of clinics in Australia, including Aboriginal clinics and nursing homes. He has consequently developed particular skills in dealing with preventative medicine, chronic disease, mental health issues, minor procedures, and pediatrics.
Dr.Soon also has an interest in global and public health and teaching. He has previously done placements in Tanzania and has worked in refugee and migrant health. Prior to coming to China, Dr. Soon was also involved in teaching, training and supervising medical students interested in General Practice.
Dr. Soon is a certified General Practitioner with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).
Dr. Soon mission is “to be a General Practitioner with an interest in addiction medicine, mental health and public health, who can influence medical care locally and globally, whilst balancing medical excellence and empathic care with a joyful passion for people”.

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