BJU Babies Turn 18
The guests of honor at this event were the four young adults about to enter adulthood as well as their families. Their parents gave moving speeches about their memories of the births of these kids in the year 2000 and shared stories about what they had achieved growing up.
Some of the birthday boys also shared some words of their own, expressing their gratitude for their parents and the care they have received at BJU over the years.
Throughout the evening, guests also enjoyed musical performances and poetry readings.
We were thrilled to have the opportunity to thank these families for putting their trust in our healthcare, and we were also glad to be able to give them a platform to express their love and gratitude for one another.
After cutting their birthday cake, the guests of honor were presented with their birthday gifts, which included a glass keepsake displaying their own footprints from when they were newborns, and a Garmin sports watch.
When BJU was founded in 1997, it was a small operation offering modest ER, pediatric, Family Medicine, and delivery services. The first babies born in the hospital were brought into this world in 1998 by a new team of doctors, nurses, and midwives. Together, this team provided families with a safe, clean, and friendly environment in which to welcome their new family member. An 18th birthday party for these first babies was held in 2016. This year, we continued the tradition for the third time
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