Guidelines for the management of common diseases in the elderly
Do you know that stroke is one of the leading causes of disability and death? Sadly, stroke can happen to anyone, at any time, and anywhere. But stroke doesn’t have to happen and, when that happens, getting fast treatment is vital to preventing death and disability from the stroke. On World Stroke Day today, we asked Beijing United Family Hospital (BJU) Neurologist, Dr. Brian Lu, to tell you how to spot the symptoms of a stroke and what to do when that happens.
Losing bone density may be a part of normal aging, but osteoporosis and the bone fractures it can cause is certainly not. Knowing that you have osteoporosis following a bone fracture often means it’s getting too late. But, osteoporosis is preventable, and you’re never too young or too old to improve your bone health. Read on as Beijing United Family Hospital’s (BJU’s) Dietitian Jackie Gao shares with us the lifestyle measures to prevent what’s so-called a “silent disease”, osteoporosis.
8 Tips to Prevent Bone Loss and Fractures
High blood pressure is often associated with many conditions and unfavorable lifestyle habits, such as high salt intake, insomnia, sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome, obesity, insufficient exercise, and too much stress.
What Having High Blood Pressure Means
Sleep is an important part of our daily routine. Quality sleep is as essential to survival as food and water. Without enough sleep, you will find it’s harder to concentrate, create memories, or respond quickly. Research finds that, besides maintaining brain functions and daily functioning, sleep plays a powerful role that removes toxins in our brain that build up while we are awake.
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