Vaccines: Not Just for Kids
When you think of serious threats to your health, you might think of heart disease, cancer, or maybe even serious injuries. You probably don’t think about infectious diseases. Though often underestimated and overlooked, infectious diseases are a leading cause of death worldwide. You’ve probably been vaccinated against a number of infectious diseases. In China and in many countries, vaccination is required for entry to schools, camps, colleges and some occupations. We provide just about all of the vaccines you need at Beijing United Family Hospital and Clinics (BJU).
Vaccinations are not just for children. As an adult, it is important to review your vaccination status. There are a number of reasons adults need vaccinations.
You may not have received any or all the recommended vaccines as a child. Newer vaccines may not have been available when you were a child. Immunity can wane over time. This is especially the case for whooping cough. A booster dose is actually recommended for adults who were not previously or recently immunized. A vaccine named Boostrix (TdaP) can be used and is especially important for adults who have contact with babies. As you age, you become more likely to experience more serious diseases resulting from complications of common infections. You may travel to areas where rare infectious diseases are more common. You may come in contact with people who have been exposed to unusual infectious diseases. Recently, several new vaccines have been licensed: vaccines for human papilloma virus (HPV), varicella-zoster virus, and meningococcus (a second meningococcal vaccine). These vaccines have not yet been licensed for use in China.
Do adults need the HPV vaccine? The HPV vaccine was licensed in June 2006 and is recommended for girls/women between ages 11 and 26. This vaccine protects against the four most common HPV strains, which are responsible for 70% of cervical cancers and 90% of genital warts.
Ideally, girls should receive the vaccine before they become sexually active. Studies that were done on 11,000 girls and women between ages 9 to 26 showed that the vaccine was safe and had no serious side effects. However, no vaccine can offer 100% protection. Because the vaccine doesn’t protect against all viruses that can lead to cervical cancer, women should continue to have regular Pap smears.
Do adults need the hepatitis A vaccine? Children are routinely vaccinated for hepatitis A, but many adults have not been vaccinated because the vaccine is relatively new. We recommend it for all people, especially those who have chronic liver disease, receive clotting factor concentrates, travel to countries where hepatitis A is common, or have occupations that might expose them to the virus.
Do adults need the meningococcus vaccine? The meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) was licensed in 2005 to combat bacterial meningitis. This vaccine is recommended for adolescents and some adults, including students entering college and people traveling to areas where they are likely to be exposed to meningococcus.
Other vaccines you may need: Even if you have received all your childhood vaccinations, ask your doctor whether you need any booster shots. For example:
- Tetanus shots should be repeated every 10 years.
- Get a flu shot each year.
- If you have never had chickenpox and have never been vaccinated, now is the time.
- Check whether you need a booster for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR).
- If you travel, make sure you have the required immunizations.
- Adults over age 65 (or adults with certain medical conditions) should be vaccinated against bacterial pneumonia.
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