Qinming ZHANG

Chief Pediatric Surgeon, Professor of Pediatric Surgery
Prof. Qinming Zhang graduated from Capital Medical University in 1986 and later completed his PhD at the University of Tokyo (Japan).
Prof. Zhang joined Beijing United Family Hospital in 2012. Before that, he worked for 30 years as a pediatric surgeon at Beijing Children’s Hospital, where played an integral role in developing the current system of pediatric gastrointestinal evaluations. Dr. Zhang has been well recognized for his work in neonatal congenital digestive tract malformation surgeries and general pediatric surgeries.
Prof. Zhang is a current member of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgery. He has published more than 40 articles in international and Chinese medical journals. Of these, 29 are SCI articles. In addition, Dr. Zhang has been participating as editor of textbooks ZhangJinZheXiaoerFubuWaiKeXue, XiaoErMenZhenWaiKeXue, Totally Implantable Venous Access Devices Management in Mid- and Long-Term Clinical Settings, and Storm English – the medical English learning materials used in universities.
Prof. Zhang speaks English, Japanese, and Mandarin.
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