Shurong LUAN
Dr. Luan Shurong completed her medical degree at Harbin Medical University. She did residencies in Internal Medicine at Heilongjiang General Military Hospital and at Yantai Hospital in Shandong province. Dr. Luan started her career as an attending physician in the Internal Medicine Department at Yantai Hospital, where she worked for 10 years. She then worked as an attending physician in the Ultrasound Department of Beijing Anzhen Hospital, which is affiliated with Capital Medical University. She worked for 20 years in that department, eventually attaining the positions of associate professor and professor.
Dr. Luan is an expert in performing echocardiographies and using them to diagnose coronary artery diseases, valve diseases,
cardiomyopathy, pulmonary embolism diseases and congenital heart diseases. She has performed over 1,000 fetal chocardiographies and is well-versed in evaluating fetal heart diseases. She has also been published in several medical journals and books.
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