Jieping NIU

Dr. Niu Jieping received her medical degree from Capital Medical University and completed her residency at Beijing Tongren Hospital. She has also earned a master’s degree from the Peking University Medical School and a PhD from Capital Medical University.
Dr. Niu started her medical career in the Anesthesia Department of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital where she then held the position of attending doctor for nine years. Her anesthesia experience covers a wide variety of surgeries, including orthopedic surgery, micro-surgery, burn and plastic surgeries, OB/GYN-related surgery, neurosurgery and ENT surgery.
To date, Dr. Niu has handled over 16,000 anesthesia cases, both regional and general. Her articles have been published in the Beijing Medical Journal, the Journal of Practical Hand Surgery, and Traumatology and Orthopedics Quarterly.
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