Candice WANG

Family Medicine Physician
Dr. Candice Wang received her medical degree from Peking University Health Science Center. She then completed her PhD degree in Immunology/Microbiology at Rush University in Chicago. She finished her family practice residency program at Christ Hospital at the University of Illinois in Chicago.
Dr. Wang started her medical career in Internal Medicine at Peking University First Hospital. She did research as a visiting scholar at the University of Tennessee for two years. After her graduation from Rush University, she became a postdoctoral researcher studying gene regulation at the Specialized Cancer Center at the University of Illinois. During this time, she volunteered at a few medical centers in the Chicago area.
Dr. Wang is a board-certified family physician and a member of the AAFP (American Academy of Family Physicians). She practiced Family Medicine for 10 years in the McLaughlin Family Practice and then in the Southwest Medical Group in Vancouver, Washington (USA). Her clinical practice has been focused on preventive medicine and early diagnoses and treatments.
Dr. Wang has been fairly active in the community. She was the chairwoman of the Vancouver Chinese Association and of the Vancouver Chinese Medical Association.
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