Obstetrician & Gynecologist
Message to Patients:
- The health of mother and baby is of paramount importance
- Comprehensive health care for pregnant women throughout the entire pregnancy cycle and safe childbirth
- Consultation, decision-making, and treatment for high-risk pregnancies
- Assessment of fertility and consultation on family planning and contraception
- Menopausal health care
Education Background:
- Graduated from China Medical University in 1986 with a bachelor’s degree in Medicine, completed residency and attending physician training at the affiliated hospital in the same year
- Obtained a master’s degree in Gynecological Oncology in 1991
- In 1996, was selected as a public dispatch overseas student by the Ministry of Health to study in Japan, and was awarded a Doctor of Medicine by Osaka City University in 2000
Work Experience:
- Over 30 years of clinical and teaching experience in obstetrics and gynecology at a tertiary Class A hospital
Academic Achievements:
- Published more than 30 articles in domestic and international journals, and the doctoral dissertation was commended by the Japanese Medical Association
Honors, Awards, and Professional Memberships:
- Authored the book “Nine Months of Pregnancy,” which netizens rated as one of the most influential obstetric health education books in 2015
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