Internal Medicine Physician, Hospitalist
Dr. Wu Ni received her bachelor’s degree from Peking University Health Science Center. There, she also earned her master’s degree in Internal Medicine with a specialization in Hematology in 2006. As part of her Hematology training, Dr. Wu did a three-year residency in the Internal Medicine Department of Peking University First Hospital. Her clinical experiences there helped her practice her bedside manner and her diagnostic skills for difficult cases. Until recently, Dr. Wu worked in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Department of Peking University Third Hospital where she became an attending physician in 2009. Her time there gave her substantial experience with several clinical cases in the Surgery, Internal Medicine, and ICU departments. She is well-practiced in performing a number of invasive procedures, including orotracheal intubation, central venous catheterization, placement of arterial line, thoracentesis , paracentesis , lumbar puncture, bone marrow aspiration, nasogastric intubation, and urethral catheterization. Her expertise earned her invitations to give several lectures to ICU residents and nurses at Peking University Third Hospital. Dr. Wu has participated in several national forums, conferences, and classes. She has helped to translate excerpts of medical reference books, and she is a published contributor to the Chinese Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery.
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