Chang LIU

Hand Surgeon, Attending Physician
Dr. Liu received her medical degree from Peking University in 2014. In 2016, Dr. Liu completed her residency in General Surgery at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital. She then went on to complete a fellowship in orthopedics in 2020.
Dr. Liu served at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital as an expert in treating hand trauma, upper limb congenital deformities, peripheral nerve pathology, wrist pathology, and wrist arthroscopy.
Dr. Liu has over 10 years of clinical experience. She completed training at Queen Mary Hospital, Prince of Wales Hospital, and Tun Mah Hospital in Hong Kong. She also participated in writing “Hand Surgery (4th edition)”.
Dr. Liu is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons, as well as a member of the Hong Kong College of Surgeons.
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