Qiusheng WANG


Chief Physician(Consultant Surgeon),Distinguished Professor of Surgery in the Minimally Invasive Digestive Disease Center


Doctor of Clinical Medicine


Digestive Disease Center




Since 1984, Dr. Wang has studied and worked in the field of clinical practice, medical teaching and scientific research in the General Surgical Department of First and Third Hospital and People’s Hospital Peking University. He is very professional and well experienced in laparoscopic surgery on hepatobiliary pancreatic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases and various hernias, such as laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery in patient with cholecystolithiasis accompanied by bile duc stones, laparoscopic precise surgery for patients with gastrointestinal, hepatopancreatic and colorectal tumors, and inguinal hernia, incisional hernias, and other diseases of abdominal wall. He is very good at laparoscopic hiatal herniorrhaphy and antireflux surgery(Toupet/Spiral fundoplication), Heller myotomy for achalasia, gastropexy for volvulus, subtotal colectomy for redundant colon, slow transit constipation, rectopexy for prolapse or protrusion etc.

As one of the first pioneers of laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery in China, he compiled the first literature review, lecture notes, and translation of laparoscopic surgery in China in 1990 and 1991. He has unique skill in laparoscopic suture knotting, non-pneumoperitoneum technology and interdisciplinary combined surgery. In 1996, Dr. Wang was awarded the title young professionals in the national health system. Since 2004, he has been a member of the biliary tract group of the Chinese Medical Association Surgery Branch, former deputy head of the Digestive Endoscopy Society Surgery Group, and currently deputy head of the NOTES Group. Dr. Wang is a member of the China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care, and is founder and consultant of the Minimally Invasive Diagnosis and Treatment Branch. He also works part-time in more than 10 academic organizations including the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and Chinese Hospital Association.

He participated in the founding of the Chinese Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery and served as deputy chief editor. In addition, he is also a member of the editorial board of over ten academic journals including the Chinese Journal of General Surgery.

He has devoted himself to studying the pathological mechanism of digestive tract diseases and the mechanism of combined laparoscopy and endoscopy with minimally invasive surgery, using “custom-tailored ” surgical design and a unique combination of minimally invasive techniques, he has integrated rapid rehabilitation, minimally invasive surgery and Traditional Chinese Medicine rehabilitation into a system for the comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant diseases of the digestive tract. Dr. Wang also works with Professor Li Wen to collaborate with internal medicine and surgery on combined endoscopy and laparoscopy to integrate internal and external treatments.

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