Su Qiumei

Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Chief Physician
Bachelor of Medicine
Dr. Su Qiumei graduated from Tianjin Medical University in 1998. She has been involved in obstetrics and gynecology for more than 20 years.
In 2007 and 2012, Dr. Su received specialty training at Beijing Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital and Peking University First Hospital respectively. To date, Dr. Su has earned certification of Level 4 laparoscopy surgery, colposcopy, Chinese and European Level Ⅰ pelvic floor disease screenings, family planning consultations, prenatal and postpartum consultations, and midwifery technology.
Dr. Su has excellent experience and expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological infections, pelvic inflammatory diseases, abnormal uterine bleeding, menopause, cervical lesions, and pelvic floor dysfunction. She is skilled at laparoscopic surgery for uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and infertility assessment, colposcopy and LEEP surgery, and family planning surgery.
Dr. Su is the 8th member of the Family Planning Branch of the Beijing Medical Association, and the deputy leader of the Women and Adolescents Group of the Dongcheng District Social Construction Committee of Beijing. She is a highly-sought after health education expert in Beijing.
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