Ting Li

Pediatric Surgeon, General Surgeon, Attending Physician
Dr. Li received her medical degree from Hainan Medical University in 2011, and was later awarded an MMed in 2014 from Nankai University. During that time , Dr. Li conducted clinical work at PLA 301 Hospital (also known as PLA General Hospital), and completed a postgraduate project about neoadjuvant chemotherapy for gastric cancer. Dr. Li completed her residency in surgery at 301 Hospital in 2017, managing the diagnosis and treatment of common surgical issues.
Before joining Beijing United Family Hospital, she served as a pediatric surgeon in a tertiary women & children’s hospital, where she gained abundant experience in treating acute and chronic pediatric diseases.
Dr. Li has over 10 years of clinical experience. She specializes in pediatric diseases, such as umbilical antellosis, umbilical hernias, hernias, hydrocele, cryptorchidism, balanitis, phimosis, benign tumors, pigment nevus excision, abscess, ankyloglossia, and various pediatric emergencies, including the reduction of radial head dislocation, acute abdomen (appendicitis, intussusception, incarcerated hernia, intestinal obstruction, etc.), trauma, and scar prevention. She visited Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) to observe plastic surgery and neonatal surgery for ten months in 2018, gaining greater experience in children’s surgery disease diagnosis and treatment and having a deep understanding of the art of diagnosis and treatment for children. In addition to specializing in pediatric diseases, she also has professional experience in the diagnosis and treatment of adult thyroid diseases, gastrointestinal tumors, and acute abdomen.
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