Cunwang JIANG

Traditional Chinese Medicine Orthopedic Doctor
Dr. Jiang graduated from Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine in 2005 and obtained the Traditional Chinese Medicine practicing license in 2006. Before joining Beijing United Family Hospital, Dr. Jiang worked in the General Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army. He has 17 years of clinical experience.
Dr. Jiang specializes in bone and joint diseases such as cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, etc., gynecological diseases such as menstrual disorders, dysmenorrhea, menopause syndrome, stress urinary incontinence, and other diseases such as headache, tinnitus, dry eye, constipation, temporomandibular joint disorder, endocrine disorder, obesity, insomnia, mild anxiety, depression, sexual dysfunction, etc.
Dr. Jiang participated in the compilation of a book on massage named the Experiences of the Old Experts. He also participated in the research on the techniques of stress urinary incontinence (a Beijing Natural Science Foundation project) and published two papers, the Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Sacroiliac Joint Disorder by Knee Flexion and Hip Shaking and the Different Effects of Lumbosacral and Abdominal Massage on the Tissue Morphology of Urethral Sphincter in Rats with Stress Urinary Incontinence.
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