Xiang LI

Internal Medicine Physician
Dr. Xiang Li graduated from Mudanjiang Medical College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical Medicine in 2010. She obtained a Master’s Degree in Neurology from Jiamusi University. From 2017 to 2020, Dr. Li completed her residency at the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiamusi University and rotated through various clinical departments, where she developed expertise in the diagnosis and treatment from cerebrovascular diseases to other neurological disorders.
Before joining Beijing United Family Rehabilitation Hospital, Dr. Li worked in a rehabilitation hospital in Beijing. She specializes in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of neurorehabilitation patients.
Dr. Li has nearly ten years of clinical experience. In addition to clinical work, she participates in a training program in postpartum rehabilitation at University of Southern California, Fortunas.
Dr. Li has published several academic papers in domestic core journals, including the Stroke and Neurological Disorders. She also participated in the translation of many medical professional books, including the Analysis of Neurotumor Cases.
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