Changlong WEN

Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Changlong Wen received his Master’s degree in Clinical Medicine from Harbin Medical University with a major in plastic surgery in 2021. He has visited the National University of Singapore, the University of Hong Kong, Taiwan University, and the Pacific State Medical University of Russia for academic exchanges as a visiting scholar.
Before joining Beijing United Family Hospital, Dr.Wen worked in the Plastic Surgery Department of the First Hospital of Harbin Medical University. Dr. Wen has many years of experience in clinical practice, specializing in trauma sutures, resection scar repair, autologous fat transplantation, armpits superficial treatment, male cosmetic surgery, eye plastic surgery. He is also proficient in botulinum toxin injection, Thermage, Thermolift, and other comprehensive laser treatment.
In addition, Dr. Wen has published several academic articles in prominent medical journals such as Dermatologic Surgery and the Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
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