Chen Xi WEI

Wei Chenxi graduated from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) in Brazil with a master’s degree in psychoanalytic philosophy. He trained systematically as a psychotherapist at the Institute of Psychoanalysis in Winnicot, Brazil (IBPW). He has been working as secretary general of the international Winnicott association (IWA) for 9 years, mainly responsible for coordinating the development and promotion of IWA international academic conference and China-Brazil Winnicott psychoanalytic training project. Before joining Beijing United Family Hospital, Wei worked in the Department of Psychology of Beijing Huilongguan Hospital. As the only professional psychotherapist in the inpatient ward, he provided individual psychotherapy and group psychotherapy for visitors during their hospitalization. Wei Chenxi specializes in dealing with adolescent and adult emotional disorders, personal maturity disorders, interpersonal problems, adolescent growth and parent-child relationship issues, marriage and family issues, etc.
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