Ying XUE

Child and Family Psychotherapist
MMed, Master’s in Psychology
Dr. Ying XUE received her Master’s degree from Capital Medical University and in 2013. After graduation, she worked in Beijing Anding Hospital and rotated through inpatient and outpatient wards. Dr. Xue has rich work experience in psychiatric intervention and psychotherapy for patients with schizophrenia, mood disorders, and psychosomatic illnesses.
Dr. Xue is a registered child and family psychodynamic psychotherapist by the British Psychotherapy Council. From 2015 to 2021, Dr. Xue completed her training, including adult psychodynamic psychotherapy training and the child, young people and family psychodynamic psychotherapy training, at Tavistock Centre, London, UK. She also worked in the adult department, the autistic and learning disability team, and the family mental health team. She has abundant cross-culture working experience. She can speak fluent English.
In 2021, Dr. Xue completed her 5-year psychoanalytical training and became a certified adult psychoanalyst by the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA).From 2016 to
2021, she participated in seminars of the British Psychoanalytical Association, including baby observation and theoretical and clinical seminars. She also offered psychoanalysis to patients and had the experience of working with patients in a deep unconscious level.
Dr. Xue offers psychotherapy for children, young people’s emotional or developmental difficulties, parents therapy, family therapy, adult emotional difficulties, couple relationships, and group therapy. She can work with patients from once per week to four times per week.
Dr. Xue speaks English and Mandarin.
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