Orthopedic Surgeon
Doctor of Medicine,Professor,Ph.D.Advisor
Areas of Specialty:
With extensive experience in the treatment of osteonecrosis and artificial joint surgery, Dr. Sun is committed to the development of precision medicine and personalized treatment plans.
- Diagnosis and individualized treatment of osteonecrosis, particularly excelling in femoral head decompression and bone grafting, stem cell transplantation, and extracorporeal shockwave therapy for hip-preserving surgeries;
- Diagnosis and treatment of hip and knee joint diseases, including osteoarthritis, developmental dysplasia of the hip, hip dislocation in adults and children, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and post-traumatic arthritis. Particularly skilled in stepwise management of osteoarthritis and minimally invasive hip and knee joint replacement surgeries;
- Diagnosis and treatment of sports medicine conditions, such as meniscal injuries, cruciate ligament tears, and rotator cuff injuries;
- Management of adult and pediatric limb fractures and dislocations, including femoral neck fractures and intertrochanteric fractures, with a particular focus on periarticular fractures and dislocations;
- Treatment of osteoporosis, lower back, and leg pain;
- Limb-sparing treatment of bone and soft tissue tumors.
Education Background:
Graduated from Peking Union Medical College with a doctorate degree (2004). He has undergone advanced training in femoral head necrosis treatment and artificial joint surgery techniques at Queen Mary Hospital of the University of Hong Kong, Henri Mondor Hospital in France, Rummsberg and Mainz Hospitals in Germany, Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) and Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital in the United States, and Castle Hill Hospital in the United Kingdom. From 2013 to 2014, he served as a postdoctoral visiting scholar at the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases in New York, USA.
Working Experience:
- Since 2004, he has worked in the Orthopedics Department of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, serving as a resident doctor, attending physician, associate chief physician, and chief physician.
- In 2011, he was exceptionally awarded the qualification of chief physician.
- In 2017, he was promoted to FullProfessor (Grade 2).
- In 2018, he became the Director of the Dornier Advanced Research Institute, the academic leader of osteonecrosis in the Orthopedics Department, and the Chiefof the Shockwave Medicine Center.
- In 2022, he was appointed Honorary Director of the Osteonecrosis Center at Beijing United Family Hospital.
- Since 2022, he has been serving as a visiting professor in orthopedics at the University of Pennsylvania, USA.
Academic Achievement:
As the first or corresponding author, he has published over 100 SCI-indexed papers, with a total of more than 200 papers, and has edited and translated over 10 orthopedic monographs.
He has led four National Natural Science Foundation research projects and over 10 other provincial and ministerial-level scientific research projects.
He serves as a doctoral and postdoctoral supervisor at the Peking Union Medical College of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the Peking University Health Science Center, and the Capital Medical University, mentoring over 30 doctoral and master’s students.
Honors, Awards and Professional Memberships:
He serves as the President of the International Shockwave Medicine Union (ISMU), a member of the Advisory Board of the International Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment (ISMST), the Asian coordinator for the International Federation of Shock Wave Treatment (IFSWT), a lifetime member of the International Chinese Musculoskeletal Research Society (ICMRS), and a senior member and executive committee member of the China Region of the Association Research Circulation Osseous (ARCO).
In China, he holds key positions including Chairman of the Bone Microcirculation Committee of the Chinese Society of Microcirculation, Chairman of the Bone Circulation and Osteonecrosis Expert Committee of the Shockwave Medicine Committee of the Chinese Research Hospital Association, Vice Chairman of the Shockwave Medicine Committee, Vice Leader (acting leader) of the Shockwave Medicine Group under the Minimally Invasive Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Vice Chairman of the Shockwave Medicine Committee of the Chinese Rehabilitation Medicine Association, Vice Chairman of the Bone Necrosis Working Committee of the Orthopedic Trauma Branch of the China Association for the Promotion of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Vice Leader of the Bone Necrosis Repair Working Group of the Orthopedic Innovation and Transformation Committee of the Chinese Research Hospital Association, Vice Leader of the Bone Necrosis and Bone Defect Group of the Reconstructive Surgery Committee of the Chinese Rehabilitation Medicine Association, Member of the Bone Circulation and Bone Necrosis Working Committee of the Orthopedics Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Member of the 3D Printing Orthopedics Group of the Orthopedics Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Member of the Bone Necrosis Working Committee of the Microsurgery Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Standing Member of the Bone Injury Drug Research Committee of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Member of the Bone Necrosis Committee of the China Association for Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine, Standing Member of the Sports Injury Branch of the Chinese Medical Rescue Association, Council Member of the Rheumatology Committee of the Chinese Rehabilitation Medicine Association, Consultant for the Beijing Shockwave Medicine Education and Training Committee, and Director of the Osteonecrosis and Shockwave Medicine Internet Medical Consortium at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital.
He also serves as an editor or reviewer for over 10 domestic and international journals, including The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (JBJSA), International Journal of Orthopaedics, Journal of Arthroplasty, International Journal of Surgery, Scientific Reports, and PLoS ONE, as well as Chinese journals such as Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research, Practical Orthopedics Journal, Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint, Medical Review Journal, Chinese Clinical Doctor Journal, Chinese Medical Frontiers Journal, Orthopedic Research and Clinical Journal, and Chinese Journal of General Practitioners.
He is a member of the Biomedicine and Pharmaceutical Committee of the China Association of Young Scientists and Technologists, a specially invited expert for bone necrosis and joint disease with the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, a review expert for the National Natural Science Foundation of China, an expert reviewer for the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, a medical accident evaluation expert with the Beijing Chaoyang District Medical Association, and a member of the Liaison Committee of the Beijing Municipal Democratic Construction Association, serving as a standing committee member of its Chaoyang Seventh Branch.
He has received numerous awards, including the Chinese Medical Youth Science and Technology Award, the Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award (Second Prize), and the Huaxia Medical Science Award, as well as other provincial and ministerial-level awards.
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