Deputy Chief Physician, Orthodontist
MDS, MOrth
Dr. Zhang received her Master’s degree in Orthodontics from Capital Medical University.
After graduating in 2000, Dr. Zhang served in Beijing Stomatological Hospital as an expert in orthodontic treatment including implant procedures as well as Invisalign for both children and adults. She sees and treats an average of more than 2,000 patients each year and has accumulated 20 years of rich clinical orthodontic experience.
Dr. Zhang has published a number of academic papers on orthodontic treatment in core journals such as the Chinese Journal of Orthodontics. Since 2005, Dr. Zhang has trained a total of nearly 20 doctors. In 2009 she participated in the Cross-Strait Four Regions Orthodontic Conference in Taiwan and in 2011 participated in the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) Conference in the United States.
Dr. Zhang is a member of the Chinese Orthodontics Association (COS) and the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO).
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