Family Medicine Physician
Dr. Hong graduated from the Medical Department of Dalian Medical University in 1988 with a Bachelor of Medicine Degree.
She worked in the Department of Internal Medicine at Shougang General Hospital of Peking University for more than 10 years and was promoted to Associate Chief Physician of Cardiovascular Medicine in 2000, accumulating rich clinical experience in internal medicine and cardiovascular medicine.
Dr. Hong was the director of the Intensive Care Unit and has extensive experience in treating critical illnesses.
Before joining United Family Hospital, Dr. Hong worked at an international clinic for 10 years as a general practitioner, emergency physician, and aero-medical transporter.
She worked in a number of private medical institutions and has extensive experience in chronic disease management and prevention.
In 2012, Dr. Hong was certified by the American Heart Association as a Basic Life Support and Advanced Life Support instructor.
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