Chunhui Miya LI

Emergency Medicine Physician /Attending Physician
Internal Medicine Center for Family Medicine and Integrative Health CareLanguage
Dr. Li graduated from Hunan Medical University in 1998. She completed her level 1 and level 2 Standard Training in Beijing Hospital between 1998 and 2008, where she rotated through inpatient and outpatient wards and developed expertise in managing conditions ranging from all kinds of common and frequently-occurring diseases, especially in cardiology, pulmonology and emergency medicine.
From 2005 to 2006, Dr. Li was selected by the French Embassy to attend the University of Paris VI for postgraduate study in emergency medicine. Between 2008 and 2009, Dr. Li attended New Mexico University in the United States for additional postgraduate study in pharmacoeconomics. She joined the embassy Immigration Medical Review team in 2010 on returning to China, and has been working in Beijing United Family Hospital until now.
In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Li is published in prominent medical journals, such as the Chinese Journal of Geriatrics and Shandong Medical Journal.
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