Hongxia HE

OBGYN Physician
Dr. He received her bachelor’s degree from Inner Mongolia Medical University, and later received her Master’s degree from Beijing Tongren Hospital. She is specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of obstetrics and gynecological diseases.
Dr. He has over ten years experience. She is skilled in maternal health, nutrition guidance of gestational diabetes, diagnosis and treatment of high-risk pregnancy and the obstetric complications, gynecological tumors, female endocrine disorders, menopause, infertility, pelvic floor dysfunction, pelvic floor reconstruction and other kinds of obstetrics and gynecology diseases, and is also skilled in performing cesarean sections, gynecologic surgery, and family planning.
In addition to her clinical work, Dr. He has been published articles in sever medical journals. She has participated in the National Natural Science Fund and the Bill Gates Fund project, “cervical cancer prevention and the intervention of precancerous lesions.”
Dr. He is an obstetrician and gynecologist, national public nutritionist, and health management specialist.
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