Sitong DU

Family Medicine Physician
Dr. Sitong (David) Du received his medical degree from Beijing Medical University in 1990. Following graduation, he began a strict 5-year orthopedic residency training program at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital. After excelling in his training, and completing his program, Dr. Du served as an attending orthopedic trauma surgeon. While serving, he had the opportunity to perform several emergency orthopedic surgeries including open reduction and internal fixation of bone and joint injuries.
In order to take his patient-physician relationship to the next level, Dr. Du left Jishuitan Hospital and started his own practice at International SOS and other international clinics/hospitals around Beijing. To better himself for his patients, Dr. Du completed a family medicine training program in Beijing, becoming a registered family medicine physician in China.
With about 20 years of clinical experience in international medical facilities, Dr. Du has a proven understanding, and respect, for multi-cultural healthcare. He prides himself on his ability to communicate with his patients as well as establishing good relationships. With a serious passion for helping people, Dr. Du has provided standard-setting medical care to numerous patients from around the globe.
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