Guoxun XU

Dr. Xu received his medical degree from Capital University of Medical Sciences in 2004; afterwards, he went on to receive his Master degree from Capital University of Medical Sciences in 2011. Dr. Xu later completed his residency at Xuanwu Hospital, where he rotated through inpatient and outpatient wards as well as developed expertise in surgical conditions such as neurosurgery, general surgery, and obstetric and gynecological anesthesia. Dr. Xu has recently completed a cardiac surgery anesthesia course at Beijing Anzhen Hopsital, and a one year training medical training course at Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
Before joining Beijing United Family Hospital, Dr. Xu practiced at Xuanwu Hospital as an anesthesiologist. Dr. Xu has over 10 years of experience in clinical work as well as several published articles in prominent medical journals including the Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology.
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