

United Family Healthcare is welcoming three new additions to our United Family: Qingdao United Family Hospital in Shandong, and United Family Guangqumen and Wudaokou clinics in Beijing.

青岛和睦家医院、 北京和睦家广渠门诊所及和睦家五道口综合门诊部即将开业。

Qingdao United Family Hospital

Located in the scenic Shilaoren Community of Laoshan District, just 30 minutes from the heart of downtown, Qingdao United Family Hospital (QDU) offers our patients not only premium healthcare but also a beautiful environment in which to heal.

Our hospital delivers comprehensive international-standard healthcare including Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Eye Clinic, and ENT services, as well as other specialties. Qingdao United Family Hospital is staffed by an international team of physicians who serve the city’s multinational patients with experience, compassion, and dedication. LEARN MORE

青岛和睦家医院位于青岛市崂山区,依山傍海、优美舒适的环境为患者提供绝佳的治疗和康复环境。医院开业面积20000平方米,设置全科、内科、外科、妇产 科、儿科、眼科、耳鼻喉科、口腔科等门诊及住院服务。经验丰富的国际医护团队将为居住和工作在青岛的多元文化患者提供悉心优质的医疗及保健服务。 更多详情

United Family Guangqumen Clinic

The United Family Guangqumen Clinic is conveniently located in the Central Business District and staffed by bilingual doctors and nurses who are committed to providing the high-quality, international-standard care unique to United Family.


United Family Wudaokou Clinic

The United Family Wudaokou Clinic is located in the Tsinghua Tongfang Hi-Tech Plaza of Zhongguancun, near several renowned universities and research institutes. Our Wudaokou Clinic is staffed by bilingual doctors and nurses who are committed to providing the high-quality, international-standard care unique to United Family.

