The Fourth Trimester: From Pregnancy to Motherhood


Join the discussion with a BJU physician!


Melissa Rodriguez


Naturopathic Physician

Thursday, March  3  at 10 am

Beijing United Family Hospital, Building 2

5th Floor Conference room

The 3 months following the birth of a newborn are often referred to as the “fourth trimester”. It is a time for transition, not just for the baby but for the mother as well. Join Melissa Rodriguez, naturopathic doctor and mom, who will share information on how to make the transition easier using the support of natural medicine. New moms and breastfeeding babies welcome!

Dr. Rodriguez is passionate about health and wellness, and enjoys sharing this passion with others. She truly cares for her patients, supporting them in their journey towards optimal health. In her practice she has developed a special interest in working with children, treating conditions ranging from eczema to attention deficit disorder. For more information on Dr. Rodriguez and her colleagues in the Integrated Medicine Department at Beijing United Family Hospital, click here.